
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bettina Detmann – University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
6 lectures on: Poroelastic theories for wave propagation in fluid-saturated and partially saturated porous media.

Prof. Sébastien R.L. Guenneau – CNRS & Imperial College London, United Kingdom
6 lectures on: Metamaterials applications on the shielding properties of meta-materials in engineering.

Prof. Eduardo A.M. Kausel – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA
6 lectures on: Wave propagation in elastic media and layered half-spaces. Vibrations induced by moving loads with applications to fast and super-fast trains.


Prof. Carlo G. Lai University of Pavia, Italy
6 lectures on: Classification of wave motion. Waves in elastic waveguides. Wave motion in linear dissipative continua.


Prof. Alessandro Marzani – University of Bologna, Italy
6 lectures on: Wave propagation in phononic and resonant mechanical metamaterials and metasurfaces.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Steeb – University of Stuttgart, Germany
6 lectures on: Acoustic waves in poroelastic media: The role of heterogeneities across scales.